West Oxfordshire Learners

West Oxfordshire Learners is for players of all ages from those able to play 5 notes to around Grade 4 standard. 

WOL meets fortnightly on Wednesdays from 6.45 to 7.35 pm in Eynsham, West Oxfordshire

DATES (2024):
April 24
May 8, 22
June 12, 26
July 10

Fee: £60 / term

Sep 25
Oct 9, 23
Nov 13, 27
Dec 11

"An ensemble of young and not-so-young wind and brass players, showing how the discipline of ‘the musical team’, despite technical limitations, is a powerful commodity."

Come and try us  -  We think you’ll enjoy yourself!


"The atmosphere among the players is friendly and enthusiastic and Wendy’s firm yet affectionate guidance means everyone tries their best."

"... the overall performance was so polished and professional it was hard to believe that for some it was their first ever performance and were still quite new to their instruments.”

"When you start learning an instrument, there are often few opportunities to perform. It’s so easy to think that one isn’t ‘ready’ or ‘good enough’ yet. West Oxfordshire Learners blow that myth apart!"