Code  of Conduct

West Oxfordshire Music (Freeland Orchestra, WOW, WOL, WOC & WOCI) 


To make sure that we provide the best possible environment to play in and achieve the highest possible performance standards it is important that members of the music groups adhere to the conduct guidelines below to enable and support the success of all groups.

Looking after music loaned to you for practice and performance by:

(Note that lost or damaged music may need to be paid for)

Supporting the development of the groups by:

Being kind, considerate and supportive of the group by:

Maximising the value for all during rehearsals by:

Keeping the admin overhead of running the groups to a minimum by:

Note that membership and participation is always at the discretion of the Music Director.

* Fees are per term and include planning, preparation of music and booking of the venue for the whole term