Code of Conduct
West Oxfordshire Music (Freeland Orchestra, WOW, WOL, WOC & WOCI)
· To provide regular opportunities for amateur musicians of all ages to enjoy playing music together.
· To rehearse a variety of music covering different genres where appropriate.
· To work together as a group to reach the highest standard attainable.
· To showcase these abilities in at least one performance per year.
To make sure that we provide the best possible environment to play in and achieve the highest possible performance standards it is important that members of the music groups adhere to the conduct guidelines below to enable and support the success of all groups.
Looking after music loaned to you for practice and performance by:
Using only a soft “B” pencil for bowings, breath marks etc. when necessary, and NEVER a pen..
Never damaging the music by writing any other information on it or marking it in any other way
Keeping it in the folder provided and returning it promptly when requested.
(Note that lost or damaged music may need to be paid for)
Supporting the development of the groups by:
Attending regularly (nb final rehearsal before a concert is usually only for people attending the performance).
Being punctual for rehearsals and events, unless previosly arranged with the director. (Arriving 5 minutes late in a group of 36 people can mean a collective THREE hours wasted!)
Giving good notice when unable to attend so that rehearsals and music can be adjusted for minimum disruption.
Practicing privately any sections you find difficult.
Allowing photographs of yourself in the group (not solo without agreement) to be used for publicity.
Being kind, considerate and supportive of the group by:
Helping and encouraging each other.
Not having mobile phones out and by turning them off during sessions.
Helping to set out and clear away chairs.
Treating everyone with respect and courtesy, without harassment of any kind.
Staying for the whole of joint events to encourage fellow musicians performing before or after you.
Maximising the value for all during rehearsals by:
Watching and listening to the conductor at all times.
Not talking, especially when the conductor is explaining something to you or others.
Keeping the admin overhead of running the groups to a minimum by:
Paying fees* promptly before the start of term.
Informing any change of telephone or email contact.
Helping to advertise any performances.
Encouraging potential audience members to attend.
Note that membership and participation is always at the discretion of the Music Director.
* Fees are per term and include planning, preparation of music and booking of the venue for the whole term